Designed for simplicity and ease-of-use, we’re delivering accurate, automated vitals in one user-friendly solution. Help enhance productivity and patient outcomes by capturing a full set of patient vitals in less than a minute.1 And with secure connectivity, you can send those vitals directly to your EMR—allowing you to reduce manual data entry and spend
more time with your patients
- Quickly and securely access a device with single sign-on (including Imprivata integration)
- Measure blood pressure in just 15 seconds with SureBP technology
- Help ensure accurate hypertension detection with BP averaging
- Choose from SureTemp Plus and/or Braun ThermoScan PRO 6000 thermometry
- Capture pulse oximetry with Masimo, Nellcor or Nonin SpO2
- Spot-check respiration rate with the Masimo RRp technology
- Connect to your EMR with WiFi, Ethernet, Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy
- Enter height, weight and BMI with Scale-Tronix, Detecto, Health o meter or SECA scales
- Help identify signs of patient deterioration with automated Early Warning Scores
- Customize your workflow to document patient observations and vitals modifiers
- Meet your workflow needs with mobile stands, wall mounts and integrated exam systems
- Secure patient information with data encryption and additional security features specified by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)